CrossTrade Now Accepts Signals from Anywhere: Expand Your Trading Horizon

CrossTrade now accepts signals from any external source, expanding capabilities beyond TradingView.

Graphic showing connections from new platforms to CrossTrade


We’re thrilled to announce a significant update that will open up new possibilities for your trading strategy. CrossTrade now accepts signals from any external source! That’s right—you are no longer limited to just TradingView. Whether you use other charting platforms, automation tools, or even custom solutions, CrossTrade can now forward your signals directly to NinjaTrader. This update provides unmatched flexibility and control, enabling you to tailor your trading environment exactly to your needs.

The Power of Expanded Signal Integration

Previously, CrossTrade was primarily focused on processing signals from TradingView. While TradingView remains a powerful tool, we recognized that many traders use a variety of platforms and services to craft their strategies. With this update, we’re breaking down the barriers and allowing signals from virtually any source that can send webhooks or payloads in the proper format.

What Does This Mean for You?

This expansion means that whether you’re using charting platforms like TrendSpider or automation services like Zapier, Make, or IFTTT, you can now seamlessly integrate them with CrossTrade. Even Discord bots or other custom-built tools that can send HTTP requests can be connected, giving you complete freedom to design and execute your trading strategy.

Supported Platforms and Tools

Here are just a few examples of the platforms and services you can now use with CrossTrade:

  • Trendspider: Utilize the advanced charting and technical analysis features of Trendspider to send signals directly to CrossTrade.
  • Zapier: Automate your trading workflows by connecting your favorite apps and tools with CrossTrade via Zapier’s webhook capabilities.
  • Make (formerly Integromat): Streamline your trading processes by integrating complex automation scenarios that send signals to CrossTrade.
  • IFTTT: Set up simple, conditional trading triggers using IFTTT and have them executed in NinjaTrader through CrossTrade.
  • Discord Bots: Use your custom Discord bots to generate and send trading signals to CrossTrade, perfect for community-based trading strategies or automated alerts.

How It Works

The process is straightforward. As long as the platform or service you’re using can send a webhook or an HTTP request with the correct payload format, CrossTrade will accept the signal and forward it to NinjaTrader for execution. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Set Up Your Signal Source: Configure your preferred platform or service to send a webhook or HTTP request. Make sure the payload includes all necessary trading information such as the instrument, action (buy/sell), quantity, and order type.
  2. Connect to CrossTrade: Use the API secret key provided in your CrossTrade dashboard to authenticate your signal source. This ensures that only authorized signals are processed.
  3. Send Signals: Once everything is set up, your signals can be sent from the external source to CrossTrade. They will be forwarded to NinjaTrader for execution, just as they would be if sent from TradingView.
  4. Monitor and Manage: You can monitor the incoming signals and their execution status directly in your CrossTrade dashboard, giving you full transparency and control over your trades.

Benefits of Using CrossTrade with Multiple Signal Sources

By expanding the range of compatible signal sources, CrossTrade empowers you to:

  • Diversify Your Strategy: Leverage the strengths of multiple platforms to create a more robust and diversified trading strategy.
  • Enhance Automation: Combine signals from various tools and services to automate complex trading workflows, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.
  • Increase Flexibility: You’re no longer tied to a single platform, giving you the freedom to choose the tools that best suit your trading style.

Get Started Today

Ready to expand your trading capabilities? With CrossTrade’s new signal acceptance feature, the possibilities for optimizing your trading strategy are endless.

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