Interactive Charting & Visual Tools
Trade Charting: Track entries, exits, targets, and stop losses with interactive charts.
Intraday Charting: Analyze price action minute by minute.
Screenshot Uploads: Attach screenshots of your trades to recall decision-making moments.
Advanced Analytics & Reporting
Trade-Specific Analytics: Automatically calculate return per share, overall return, and risk metrics.
AI Feedback: Identify patterns in your trading data with AI-driven insights.
Performance Reporting: Compare setups and analyze performance across 10+ customizable reports.
Calendar Reporting: Track daily profitability.
Customization & Sharing Options
Custom Data Sharing: Share selected trade data with mentors or peers, excluding sensitive details as needed.
Public Profiles: Showcase overall performance within the trading community.
Dashboard Widgets: Personalize your dashboard with 20+ widgets.
Simulation & Risk Management
Strategy Simulation: Test new trading strategies using historical data.
Real-Time Stats: Access real-time performance indicators to predict potential success before trades.
Risk Tracking: Monitor stop losses to ensure adherence to risk rules.
Interactive Charting & Visual Tools
Trade Charting: Track entries, exits, targets, and stop losses with interactive charts.
Intraday Charting: Analyze price action minute by minute.
Screenshot Uploads: Attach screenshots of your trades to recall decision-making moments.
Ease of Use & Accessibility
Multi-Device Support: Fully optimized for seamless use across devices.
Data Import/Export: Import years of trade history or manually enter trades with ease.
Worldwide Market Support: Accessible for most markets, with trade charting focused on U.S. equities.